From 33fcfd870447724f17f868da082a74ce9fcec7cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gennyble <>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2023 02:55:20 -0500
Subject: cargo fmt

 lri-proto/ |  82 +++----
 lri-rs/src/  | 662 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 prism/src/  | 118 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 431 insertions(+), 431 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lri-proto/ b/lri-proto/
index 31aee5a..1ec0b5f 100644
--- a/lri-proto/
+++ b/lri-proto/
@@ -4,47 +4,47 @@ use protobuf_codegen::Customize;
 use std::path::Path;
 fn main() {
-    let proto_dir = "src/proto";
+	let proto_dir = "src/proto";
-    if Path::new(&proto_dir).exists() {
-        fs::remove_dir_all(&proto_dir).unwrap();
-    }
-    fs::create_dir(&proto_dir).unwrap();
+	if Path::new(&proto_dir).exists() {
+		fs::remove_dir_all(&proto_dir).unwrap();
+	}
+	fs::create_dir(&proto_dir).unwrap();
-    protobuf_codegen::Codegen::new()
-        .pure()
-        .customize(Customize::default().gen_mod_rs(true).lite_runtime(true))
-        .out_dir(proto_dir)
-        .input("proto/camera_id.proto")
-        .input("proto/camera_module.proto")
-        .input("proto/color_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/dead_pixel_map.proto")
-        .input("proto/device_temp.proto")
-        .input("proto/distortion.proto")
-        .input("proto/face_data.proto")
-        .input("proto/flash_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/geometric_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/gps_data.proto")
-        .input("proto/hot_pixel_map.proto")
-        .input("proto/hw_info.proto")
-        .input("proto/imu_data.proto")
-        .input("proto/lightheader.proto")
-        .input("proto/matrix3x3f.proto")
-        .input("proto/matrix4x4f.proto")
-        .input("proto/mirror_system.proto")
-        .input("proto/point2f.proto")
-        .input("proto/point2i.proto")
-        .input("proto/point3f.proto")
-        .input("proto/proximity_sensors.proto")
-        .input("proto/range2f.proto")
-        .input("proto/rectanglei.proto")
-        .input("proto/sensor_characterization.proto")
-        .input("proto/sensor_type.proto")
-        .input("proto/time_stamp.proto")
-        .input("proto/tof_calibration.proto")
-        .input("proto/view_preferences.proto")
-        .input("proto/vignetting_characterization.proto")
-        .include("proto")
-        .run()
-        .unwrap();
+	protobuf_codegen::Codegen::new()
+		.pure()
+		.customize(Customize::default().gen_mod_rs(true).lite_runtime(true))
+		.out_dir(proto_dir)
+		.input("proto/camera_id.proto")
+		.input("proto/camera_module.proto")
+		.input("proto/color_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/dead_pixel_map.proto")
+		.input("proto/device_temp.proto")
+		.input("proto/distortion.proto")
+		.input("proto/face_data.proto")
+		.input("proto/flash_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/geometric_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/gps_data.proto")
+		.input("proto/hot_pixel_map.proto")
+		.input("proto/hw_info.proto")
+		.input("proto/imu_data.proto")
+		.input("proto/lightheader.proto")
+		.input("proto/matrix3x3f.proto")
+		.input("proto/matrix4x4f.proto")
+		.input("proto/mirror_system.proto")
+		.input("proto/point2f.proto")
+		.input("proto/point2i.proto")
+		.input("proto/point3f.proto")
+		.input("proto/proximity_sensors.proto")
+		.input("proto/range2f.proto")
+		.input("proto/rectanglei.proto")
+		.input("proto/sensor_characterization.proto")
+		.input("proto/sensor_type.proto")
+		.input("proto/time_stamp.proto")
+		.input("proto/tof_calibration.proto")
+		.input("proto/view_preferences.proto")
+		.input("proto/vignetting_characterization.proto")
+		.include("proto")
+		.run()
+		.unwrap();
diff --git a/lri-rs/src/ b/lri-rs/src/
index 6d38e90..2b5d8fb 100644
--- a/lri-rs/src/
+++ b/lri-rs/src/
@@ -2,397 +2,397 @@ use std::{fmt, vec::IntoIter};
 use lri_proto::Message as PbMessage;
 use lri_proto::{
-    camera_id::CameraID,
-    camera_module::{camera_module::surface::FormatType, CameraModule},
-    color_calibration::color_calibration::IlluminantType,
-    gps_data::GPSData,
-    lightheader::LightHeader,
-    view_preferences::ViewPreferences,
+	camera_id::CameraID,
+	camera_module::{camera_module::surface::FormatType, CameraModule},
+	color_calibration::color_calibration::IlluminantType,
+	gps_data::GPSData,
+	lightheader::LightHeader,
+	view_preferences::ViewPreferences,
 pub struct LriFile {
-    pub blocks: Vec<Block>,
-    pub models: Vec<SensorModel>,
+	pub blocks: Vec<Block>,
+	pub models: Vec<SensorModel>,
 impl LriFile {
-    /// Read
-    pub fn decode(mut data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
-        let mut blocks = vec![];
-        loop {
-            let header = Header::ingest(&data[..]);
-            let end = header.combined_length as usize;
-            if end == data.len() {
-                blocks.push(Block { header, data });
-                break;
-            } else {
-                let remain = data.split_off(end);
-                blocks.push(Block { header, data });
-                data = remain;
-            }
-        }
-        let models = Self::grab_sensor_models(&blocks);
-        Self { blocks, models }
-    }
-    fn grab_sensor_models(blocks: &[Block]) -> Vec<SensorModel> {
-        let mut models = vec![];
-        for blk in blocks {
-            match blk.message() {
-                Message::LightHeader(LightHeader {
-                    module_calibration, ..
-                }) => {
-                    for mcal in module_calibration {
-                        let id = mcal.camera_id().into();
-                        let color = match mcal.color.first() {
-                            None => continue,
-                            Some(c) => c,
-                        };
-                        let whitepoint = color.type_().into();
-                        let forward = color.forward_matrix.clone().unwrap();
-                        let our_forward = [
-                            forward.x00(),
-                            forward.x01(),
-                            forward.x02(),
-                            forward.x10(),
-                            forward.x11(),
-                            forward.x12(),
-                            forward.x20(),
-                            forward.x21(),
-                            forward.x22(),
-                        ];
-                        let forward = color.color_matrix.clone().unwrap();
-                        let our_color = [
-                            forward.x00(),
-                            forward.x01(),
-                            forward.x02(),
-                            forward.x10(),
-                            forward.x11(),
-                            forward.x12(),
-                            forward.x20(),
-                            forward.x21(),
-                            forward.x22(),
-                        ];
-                        let rg = color.rg_ratio();
-                        let bg = color.bg_ratio();
-                        let model = SensorModel {
-                            id,
-                            whitepoint,
-                            forward_matrix: our_forward,
-                            color_matrix: our_color,
-                            rg,
-                            bg,
-                        };
-                        models.push(model);
-                    }
-                }
-                _ => (),
-            }
-        }
-        models
-    }
-    pub fn image_count(&self) -> usize {
-        let mut count = 0;
-        for block in &self.blocks {
-            match block.message() {
-                Message::LightHeader(LightHeader { modules, .. }) => {
-                    for cam in modules {
-                        count += 1;
-                    }
-                }
-                _ => (),
-            }
-        }
-        count
-    }
-    pub fn images(&self) -> ImageIterator {
-        ImageIterator {
-            blocks: &self.blocks,
-            modules: None,
-        }
-    }
-    pub fn color_models(&self, cameraid: SensorId) -> Vec<&SensorModel> {
-        self.models.iter().filter(|sm| == cameraid).collect()
-    }
+	/// Read
+	pub fn decode(mut data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
+		let mut blocks = vec![];
+		loop {
+			let header = Header::ingest(&data[..]);
+			let end = header.combined_length as usize;
+			if end == data.len() {
+				blocks.push(Block { header, data });
+				break;
+			} else {
+				let remain = data.split_off(end);
+				blocks.push(Block { header, data });
+				data = remain;
+			}
+		}
+		let models = Self::grab_sensor_models(&blocks);
+		Self { blocks, models }
+	}
+	fn grab_sensor_models(blocks: &[Block]) -> Vec<SensorModel> {
+		let mut models = vec![];
+		for blk in blocks {
+			match blk.message() {
+				Message::LightHeader(LightHeader {
+					module_calibration, ..
+				}) => {
+					for mcal in module_calibration {
+						let id = mcal.camera_id().into();
+						let color = match mcal.color.first() {
+							None => continue,
+							Some(c) => c,
+						};
+						let whitepoint = color.type_().into();
+						let forward = color.forward_matrix.clone().unwrap();
+						let our_forward = [
+							forward.x00(),
+							forward.x01(),
+							forward.x02(),
+							forward.x10(),
+							forward.x11(),
+							forward.x12(),
+							forward.x20(),
+							forward.x21(),
+							forward.x22(),
+						];
+						let forward = color.color_matrix.clone().unwrap();
+						let our_color = [
+							forward.x00(),
+							forward.x01(),
+							forward.x02(),
+							forward.x10(),
+							forward.x11(),
+							forward.x12(),
+							forward.x20(),
+							forward.x21(),
+							forward.x22(),
+						];
+						let rg = color.rg_ratio();
+						let bg = color.bg_ratio();
+						let model = SensorModel {
+							id,
+							whitepoint,
+							forward_matrix: our_forward,
+							color_matrix: our_color,
+							rg,
+							bg,
+						};
+						models.push(model);
+					}
+				}
+				_ => (),
+			}
+		}
+		models
+	}
+	pub fn image_count(&self) -> usize {
+		let mut count = 0;
+		for block in &self.blocks {
+			match block.message() {
+				Message::LightHeader(LightHeader { modules, .. }) => {
+					for cam in modules {
+						count += 1;
+					}
+				}
+				_ => (),
+			}
+		}
+		count
+	}
+	pub fn images(&self) -> ImageIterator {
+		ImageIterator {
+			blocks: &self.blocks,
+			modules: None,
+		}
+	}
+	pub fn color_models(&self, cameraid: SensorId) -> Vec<&SensorModel> {
+		self.models.iter().filter(|sm| == cameraid).collect()
+	}
 pub struct ImageIterator<'lri> {
-    blocks: &'lri [Block],
-    modules: Option<(&'lri Block, IntoIter<CameraModule>)>,
+	blocks: &'lri [Block],
+	modules: Option<(&'lri Block, IntoIter<CameraModule>)>,
 impl<'lri> Iterator for ImageIterator<'lri> {
-    type Item = RawImage<'lri>;
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        loop {
-            match self.modules.as_mut() {
-                None => match self.blocks.first() {
-                    None => return None,
-                    Some(block) => {
-                        self.blocks = &self.blocks[1..];
-                        if let Message::LightHeader(lh) = block.message() {
-                            let mod_iter = lh.modules.into_iter();
-                            self.modules = Some((block, mod_iter));
-                        } else {
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                    }
-                },
-                Some((block, mods)) => {
-                    for module in mods {
-                        let sensor_id =;
-                        let mut surface = module.sensor_data_surface.unwrap();
-                        let size = surface.size.take().unwrap();
-                        let offset = surface.data_offset() as usize;
-                        let data_length = surface.row_stride() as usize * size.y() as usize;
-                        let data = &[offset..offset + data_length];
-                        return Some(RawImage {
-                            sensor_id,
-                            width: size.x() as usize,
-                            height: size.y() as usize,
-                            format: surface.format().into(),
-                            data,
-                        });
-                    }
-                    self.modules = None;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
+	type Item = RawImage<'lri>;
+	fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+		loop {
+			match self.modules.as_mut() {
+				None => match self.blocks.first() {
+					None => return None,
+					Some(block) => {
+						self.blocks = &self.blocks[1..];
+						if let Message::LightHeader(lh) = block.message() {
+							let mod_iter = lh.modules.into_iter();
+							self.modules = Some((block, mod_iter));
+						} else {
+							continue;
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				Some((block, mods)) => {
+					for module in mods {
+						let sensor_id =;
+						let mut surface = module.sensor_data_surface.unwrap();
+						let size = surface.size.take().unwrap();
+						let offset = surface.data_offset() as usize;
+						let data_length = surface.row_stride() as usize * size.y() as usize;
+						let data = &[offset..offset + data_length];
+						return Some(RawImage {
+							sensor_id,
+							width: size.x() as usize,
+							height: size.y() as usize,
+							format: surface.format().into(),
+							data,
+						});
+					}
+					self.modules = None;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
 pub struct Block {
-    pub header: Header,
-    /// This includes the 32 bytes that make up the header.
-    pub data: Vec<u8>,
+	pub header: Header,
+	/// This includes the 32 bytes that make up the header.
+	pub data: Vec<u8>,
 impl Block {
-    pub fn body(&self) -> &[u8] {
-        &[32..]
-    }
-    pub fn message_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
-        let end = self.header.message_offset + self.header.message_length;
-        &[self.header.message_offset..end]
-    }
-    pub fn message(&self) -> Message {
-        match self.header.kind {
-            BlockType::LightHeader => {
-                Message::LightHeader(LightHeader::parse_from_bytes(self.message_data()).unwrap())
-            }
-            BlockType::ViewPreferences => Message::ViewPreferences(
-                ViewPreferences::parse_from_bytes(self.message_data()).unwrap(),
-            ),
-            BlockType::GPSData => {
-                Message::Gps(GPSData::parse_from_bytes(self.message_data()).unwrap())
-            }
-        }
-    }
+	pub fn body(&self) -> &[u8] {
+		&[32..]
+	}
+	pub fn message_data(&self) -> &[u8] {
+		let end = self.header.message_offset + self.header.message_length;
+		&[self.header.message_offset..end]
+	}
+	pub fn message(&self) -> Message {
+		match self.header.kind {
+			BlockType::LightHeader => {
+				Message::LightHeader(LightHeader::parse_from_bytes(self.message_data()).unwrap())
+			}
+			BlockType::ViewPreferences => Message::ViewPreferences(
+				ViewPreferences::parse_from_bytes(self.message_data()).unwrap(),
+			),
+			BlockType::GPSData => {
+				Message::Gps(GPSData::parse_from_bytes(self.message_data()).unwrap())
+			}
+		}
+	}
 pub enum Message {
-    LightHeader(LightHeader),
-    ViewPreferences(ViewPreferences),
-    Gps(GPSData),
+	LightHeader(LightHeader),
+	ViewPreferences(ViewPreferences),
+	Gps(GPSData),
 pub struct Header {
-    /// The length of this header and it's associated block
-    pub combined_length: usize,
-    /// An offset from the start of the header to the block's protobuf message
-    pub message_offset: usize,
-    /// block's protobuf message length
-    pub message_length: usize,
-    /// The kind of protobuf message in the block
-    pub kind: BlockType,
+	/// The length of this header and it's associated block
+	pub combined_length: usize,
+	/// An offset from the start of the header to the block's protobuf message
+	pub message_offset: usize,
+	/// block's protobuf message length
+	pub message_length: usize,
+	/// The kind of protobuf message in the block
+	pub kind: BlockType,
 impl Header {
-    pub fn ingest(data: &[u8]) -> Self {
-        let magic = b"LELR";
-        if &data[0..4] != magic {
-            panic!("Magic nubmer is wrong");
-        }
-        let combined_length = u64::from_le_bytes(data[4..12].try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
-        let message_offset = u64::from_le_bytes(data[12..20].try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
-        let message_length = u32::from_le_bytes(data[20..24].try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
-        let kind = match data[24] {
-            0 => BlockType::LightHeader,
-            1 => BlockType::ViewPreferences,
-            2 => BlockType::GPSData,
-            t => panic!("block type {t} is unknown"),
-        };
-        Header {
-            combined_length,
-            message_offset,
-            message_length,
-            kind,
-        }
-    }
+	pub fn ingest(data: &[u8]) -> Self {
+		let magic = b"LELR";
+		if &data[0..4] != magic {
+			panic!("Magic nubmer is wrong");
+		}
+		let combined_length = u64::from_le_bytes(data[4..12].try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
+		let message_offset = u64::from_le_bytes(data[12..20].try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
+		let message_length = u32::from_le_bytes(data[20..24].try_into().unwrap()) as usize;
+		let kind = match data[24] {
+			0 => BlockType::LightHeader,
+			1 => BlockType::ViewPreferences,
+			2 => BlockType::GPSData,
+			t => panic!("block type {t} is unknown"),
+		};
+		Header {
+			combined_length,
+			message_offset,
+			message_length,
+			kind,
+		}
+	}
 pub enum BlockType {
-    LightHeader,
-    ViewPreferences,
-    GPSData,
+	LightHeader,
+	ViewPreferences,
+	GPSData,
 pub struct RawImage<'img> {
-    pub sensor_id: SensorId,
-    pub width: usize,
-    pub height: usize,
-    pub format: ImageFormat,
-    pub data: &'img [u8],
+	pub sensor_id: SensorId,
+	pub width: usize,
+	pub height: usize,
+	pub format: ImageFormat,
+	pub data: &'img [u8],
 pub struct SensorModel {
-    pub id: SensorId,
-    pub whitepoint: Whitepoint,
-    /// From the camera debayered data to XYZ in the given whitepoint
-    pub forward_matrix: [f32; 9],
-    /// ??? is this cam -> sRGB?
-    pub color_matrix: [f32; 9],
-    pub rg: f32,
-    pub bg: f32,
+	pub id: SensorId,
+	pub whitepoint: Whitepoint,
+	/// From the camera debayered data to XYZ in the given whitepoint
+	pub forward_matrix: [f32; 9],
+	/// ??? is this cam -> sRGB?
+	pub color_matrix: [f32; 9],
+	pub rg: f32,
+	pub bg: f32,
 pub enum ImageFormat {
-    // I'm not sure what this is?? Do we ever see it???
-    BayerJpeg,
-    Packed10bpp,
-    Packed12bpp,
-    Packed14bpp,
+	// I'm not sure what this is?? Do we ever see it???
+	BayerJpeg,
+	Packed10bpp,
+	Packed12bpp,
+	Packed14bpp,
 impl fmt::Display for ImageFormat {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        let str = match self {
-            Self::BayerJpeg => "BayerJpeg",
-            Self::Packed10bpp => "Packed10bpp",
-            Self::Packed12bpp => "Packed12bpp",
-            Self::Packed14bpp => "Packed14bpp",
-        };
-        write!(f, "{str}")
-    }
+	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+		let str = match self {
+			Self::BayerJpeg => "BayerJpeg",
+			Self::Packed10bpp => "Packed10bpp",
+			Self::Packed12bpp => "Packed12bpp",
+			Self::Packed14bpp => "Packed14bpp",
+		};
+		write!(f, "{str}")
+	}
 impl From<FormatType> for ImageFormat {
-    fn from(proto: FormatType) -> Self {
-        match proto {
-            FormatType::RAW_BAYER_JPEG => Self::BayerJpeg,
-            FormatType::RAW_PACKED_10BPP => Self::Packed10bpp,
-            FormatType::RAW_PACKED_12BPP => Self::Packed12bpp,
-            FormatType::RAW_PACKED_14BPP => Self::Packed14bpp,
-            FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_0
-            | FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_1
-            | FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_2
-            | FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_3
-            | FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_4
-            | FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_5 => unimplemented!(),
-        }
-    }
+	fn from(proto: FormatType) -> Self {
+		match proto {
+			FormatType::RAW_BAYER_JPEG => Self::BayerJpeg,
+			FormatType::RAW_PACKED_10BPP => Self::Packed10bpp,
+			FormatType::RAW_PACKED_12BPP => Self::Packed12bpp,
+			FormatType::RAW_PACKED_14BPP => Self::Packed14bpp,
+			FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_0
+			| FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_1
+			| FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_2
+			| FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_3
+			| FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_4
+			| FormatType::RAW_RESERVED_5 => unimplemented!(),
+		}
+	}
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
 pub enum SensorId {
-    A1,
-    A2,
-    A3,
-    A4,
-    A5,
-    B1,
-    B2,
-    B3,
-    B4,
-    B5,
-    C1,
-    C2,
-    C3,
-    C4,
-    C5,
-    C6,
+	A1,
+	A2,
+	A3,
+	A4,
+	A5,
+	B1,
+	B2,
+	B3,
+	B4,
+	B5,
+	C1,
+	C2,
+	C3,
+	C4,
+	C5,
+	C6,
 impl From<CameraID> for SensorId {
-    fn from(pbid: CameraID) -> Self {
-        match pbid {
-            CameraID::A1 => Self::A1,
-            CameraID::A2 => Self::A2,
-            CameraID::A3 => Self::A3,
-            CameraID::A4 => Self::A4,
-            CameraID::A5 => Self::A5,
-            CameraID::B1 => Self::B1,
-            CameraID::B2 => Self::B2,
-            CameraID::B3 => Self::B3,
-            CameraID::B4 => Self::B4,
-            CameraID::B5 => Self::B5,
-            CameraID::C1 => Self::C1,
-            CameraID::C2 => Self::C2,
-            CameraID::C3 => Self::C3,
-            CameraID::C4 => Self::C4,
-            CameraID::C5 => Self::C5,
-            CameraID::C6 => Self::C6,
-        }
-    }
+	fn from(pbid: CameraID) -> Self {
+		match pbid {
+			CameraID::A1 => Self::A1,
+			CameraID::A2 => Self::A2,
+			CameraID::A3 => Self::A3,
+			CameraID::A4 => Self::A4,
+			CameraID::A5 => Self::A5,
+			CameraID::B1 => Self::B1,
+			CameraID::B2 => Self::B2,
+			CameraID::B3 => Self::B3,
+			CameraID::B4 => Self::B4,
+			CameraID::B5 => Self::B5,
+			CameraID::C1 => Self::C1,
+			CameraID::C2 => Self::C2,
+			CameraID::C3 => Self::C3,
+			CameraID::C4 => Self::C4,
+			CameraID::C5 => Self::C5,
+			CameraID::C6 => Self::C6,
+		}
+	}
 impl fmt::Display for SensorId {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
-        // this is good; i write good code
-        write!(f, "{self:?}")
-    }
+	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+		// this is good; i write good code
+		write!(f, "{self:?}")
+	}
 pub enum Whitepoint {
-    A,
-    D50,
-    D65,
-    D75,
-    F2,
-    F7,
-    F11,
-    TL84,
+	A,
+	D50,
+	D65,
+	D75,
+	F2,
+	F7,
+	F11,
+	TL84,
 impl From<IlluminantType> for Whitepoint {
-    fn from(it: IlluminantType) -> Self {
-        match it {
-            IlluminantType::A => Self::A,
-            IlluminantType::D50 => Self::D50,
-            IlluminantType::D65 => Self::D65,
-            IlluminantType::D75 => Self::D75,
-            IlluminantType::F2 => Self::F2,
-            IlluminantType::F7 => Self::F7,
-            IlluminantType::F11 => Self::F11,
-            IlluminantType::TL84 => Self::TL84,
-            IlluminantType::UNKNOWN => unimplemented!(),
-        }
-    }
+	fn from(it: IlluminantType) -> Self {
+		match it {
+			IlluminantType::A => Self::A,
+			IlluminantType::D50 => Self::D50,
+			IlluminantType::D65 => Self::D65,
+			IlluminantType::D75 => Self::D75,
+			IlluminantType::F2 => Self::F2,
+			IlluminantType::F7 => Self::F7,
+			IlluminantType::F11 => Self::F11,
+			IlluminantType::TL84 => Self::TL84,
+			IlluminantType::UNKNOWN => unimplemented!(),
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/prism/src/ b/prism/src/
index 7660ae3..52d8860 100644
--- a/prism/src/
+++ b/prism/src/
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
 use lri_rs::LriFile;
 fn main() {
-    let file_name = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap();
-    let bytes = std::fs::read(file_name).unwrap();
-    let lri = LriFile::decode(bytes);
+	let file_name = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap();
+	let bytes = std::fs::read(file_name).unwrap();
+	let lri = LriFile::decode(bytes);
-    println!("{} blocks", lri.blocks.len());
-    println!("{} images", lri.image_count());
+	println!("{} blocks", lri.blocks.len());
+	println!("{} images", lri.image_count());
 /*fn good(models: &[&SensorModel], img: RawImage, img_id: usize) {
-    let RawImage {
-        sensor_id,
-        width,
-        height,
-        format,
-        data,
-    } = img;
+	let RawImage {
+		sensor_id,
+		width,
+		height,
+		format,
+		data,
+	} = img;
-    println!(
-        "{sensor_id} {width}x{height} {format} - {} kB",
-        data.len() / 1024
-    );
-    return;
+	println!(
+		"{sensor_id} {width}x{height} {format} - {} kB",
+		data.len() / 1024
+	);
+	return;
-    for model in models {
-        println!("{:?}", model.whitepoint);
-    }
+	for model in models {
+		println!("{:?}", model.whitepoint);
+	}
-    for color in models {
-        let size = width * height;
-        let mut ten_data = vec![0; size];
-        crate::unpack::tenbit(data, width * height, ten_data.as_mut_slice());
+	for color in models {
+		let size = width * height;
+		let mut ten_data = vec![0; size];
+		crate::unpack::tenbit(data, width * height, ten_data.as_mut_slice());
-        let mut rawimg: Image<u16, BayerRgb> = Image::from_raw_parts(
-            4160,
-            3120,
-            RawMetadata {
-                whitebalance: [1.0 / color.rg, 1.0, 1.0 /],
-                whitelevels: [1024, 1024, 1024],
-                crop: None,
-                cfa: CFA::new("BGGR"),
-                cam_to_xyz: Matrix3::from_row_slice(&color.forward_matrix),
-            },
-            ten_data,
-        );
+		let mut rawimg: Image<u16, BayerRgb> = Image::from_raw_parts(
+			4160,
+			3120,
+			RawMetadata {
+				whitebalance: [1.0 / color.rg, 1.0, 1.0 /],
+				whitelevels: [1024, 1024, 1024],
+				crop: None,
+				cfa: CFA::new("BGGR"),
+				cam_to_xyz: Matrix3::from_row_slice(&color.forward_matrix),
+			},
+			ten_data,
+		);
-        /*rawimg
-        .data
-        .iter_mut()
-        .for_each(|p| *p = p.saturating_sub(42));*/
+		/*rawimg
+		.data
+		.iter_mut()
+		.for_each(|p| *p = p.saturating_sub(42));*/
-        rawimg.whitebalance();
-        let img = rawimg.debayer();
-        let srgb = img.to_xyz().to_linsrgb().gamma();
-        let bytes = srgb.floats().bytes();
+		rawimg.whitebalance();
+		let img = rawimg.debayer();
+		let srgb = img.to_xyz().to_linsrgb().gamma();
+		let bytes = srgb.floats().bytes();
-        make_png(
-            format!("tenbit_{img_id}_{:?}.png", color.whitepoint),
-            width,
-            height,
-            &,
-        );
-    }
+		make_png(
+			format!("tenbit_{img_id}_{:?}.png", color.whitepoint),
+			width,
+			height,
+			&,
+		);
+	}
 fn make_png<P: AsRef<std::path::Path>>(path: P, width: usize, height: usize, data: &[u8]) {
-    //return;
-    use std::fs::File;
+	//return;
+	use std::fs::File;
-    let file = File::create(path).unwrap();
-    let mut enc = png::Encoder::new(file, width as u32, height as u32);
-    enc.set_color(png::ColorType::Rgb);
-    enc.set_depth(png::BitDepth::Eight);
-    let mut writer = enc.write_header().unwrap();
-    writer.write_image_data(data).unwrap();
+	let file = File::create(path).unwrap();
+	let mut enc = png::Encoder::new(file, width as u32, height as u32);
+	enc.set_color(png::ColorType::Rgb);
+	enc.set_depth(png::BitDepth::Eight);
+	let mut writer = enc.write_header().unwrap();
+	writer.write_image_data(data).unwrap();
cgit 1.4.1-3-g733a5