# BayerJPEG
The BayerJPEG is a strange format used by the Light L16... *sometimes*. We don't yet know when it switches from it's normal packed 10-bit raw format to this, or why.

### BayerJPEG Header
| size    | type   | meaning |
| ------- | ------ | ------- |
| 4 bytes | String | Magic Number "BJPG" |
| 4 bytes | u32    | *Format type* <br/> 0: colour <br/> 1: for monochrome |
| 4 bytes | u32    | Length of Jpeg 0 |
| 4 bytes | u32    | Length of Jpeg 1 |
| 4 bytes | u32    | Length of Jpeg 2 |
| 4 bytes | u32    | Length of Jpeg 3 |
| 1552 bytes | | unknown |

***Foramt Type: Monochrome***  
Jpeg0 contains a full resolution grayscale image

***Format Type: Colour***  
The bayered image is split across the four Jpeg, one
for each colour location.

I.E. an image from the ar1335 sensor, color filter bggr, you'd get
- 1 jpeg for the blue channel
- 2 jpeg for each green location
- 1 jpeg for the red channel

It's not currently known if these are in the order you'd expect.

When the L16 decides to use BayerJPEG, it has to save four copies of each frame. A JPEG is limited to a bit depth of eight, but the sensors output 10-bit data. In order to not loose 75% of the precision, they seemingly divide the image into fours and expect you to sum them later.