# BayerJPEG The BayerJPEG is a strange format used by the Light L16... *sometimes*. We don't yet know when it switches from it's normal packed 10-bit raw format to this, or why. ### BayerJPEG Header | size | type | meaning | | ------- | ------ | ------- | | 4 bytes | String | Magic Number "BJPG" | | 4 bytes | u32 | *Format type* <br/> 0: colour <br/> 1: for monochrome | | 4 bytes | u32 | Length of Jpeg 0 | | 4 bytes | u32 | Length of Jpeg 1 | | 4 bytes | u32 | Length of Jpeg 2 | | 4 bytes | u32 | Length of Jpeg 3 | | 1552 bytes | | unknown | ***Foramt Type: Monochrome*** Jpeg0 contains a full resolution grayscale image ***Format Type: Colour*** The bayered image is split across the four Jpeg, one for each colour location. I.E. an image from the ar1335 sensor, color filter bggr, you'd get - 1 jpeg for the blue channel - 2 jpeg for each green location - 1 jpeg for the red channel It's not currently known if these are in the order you'd expect. ***Considerations*** When the L16 decides to use BayerJPEG, it has to save four copies of each frame. A JPEG is limited to a bit depth of eight, but the sensors output 10-bit data. In order to not loose 75% of the precision, they seemingly divide the image into fours and expect you to sum them later.