use std::cmp::Ordering; use camino::Utf8PathBuf; const NAME: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"); const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); const AUTHORS: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"); pub struct Cli { pub color_count: u8, pub tolerance: Option<f32>, pub difference: DifferenceFn, pub input: Utf8PathBuf, pub in_type: InType, pub output: Utf8PathBuf, pub out_type: OutType, } // It's not a builder, but I think the builder/building name is useful // here because it's used while not all things are populated. #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct BuildingCli { pub color_count: Option<u8>, pub tolerance: Option<f32>, pub difference: DifferenceFn, } impl BuildingCli { // One minus max const DEFAULT_COLORS: u8 = 255; pub fn build_or_die(self, input: &str, output: &str) -> Cli { let input: Utf8PathBuf = input.into(); let in_type = match input.extension() { None => { eprintln!("can't determine input filetype!\nSupported input types: PNG, JPG"); std::process::exit(1); } Some("png") => InType::Png, Some("jpg") | Some("jpeg") => InType::Jpeg, Some(ext) => { eprintln!("unknown filetype '{ext}'!\nSupported input types: PNG, JPG"); std::process::exit(1); } }; let output: Utf8PathBuf = output.into(); let out_type = match output.extension() { None => { eprintln!("can't determine output filetype!"); std::process::exit(1); } Some("png") => OutType::Png, Some("gif") => OutType::Gif, Some(ext) => { eprintln!("unknown filetype '{ext}'!\nSupport output types are: GIF, PNG"); std::process::exit(1); } }; Cli { color_count: self.color_count.unwrap_or(Self::DEFAULT_COLORS), tolerance: self.tolerance, difference: self.difference, input, in_type, output, out_type, } } } pub enum InType { Jpeg, Png, } pub enum OutType { Png, Gif, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub enum DifferenceFn { #[default] Rgb, Redmean, } pub fn build() -> Cli { let mut free = vec![]; let mut building = BuildingCli::default(); for arg in std::env::args().skip(1) { // Handle the special cases we want to obey. // -h/--help are standards and, even though we're playing with a // dd-style syntax, we want to respect these. // we'll do -V/--version if arg == "-h" || arg == "--help" { print_help() } else if arg == "-V" || arg == "--version" { print_version() } match arg.split_once('=') { None => free.push(arg), Some(("colors", value)) | Some(("colours", value)) | Some(("clrs", value)) => { match value.parse::<usize>() { Err(_) => { eprintln!("color must be a whole number > 0 and <= 256"); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(count) if count == 0 || count > 256 => { eprintln!("color must be a whole number >= 1 and <= 256"); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(count) => { //TODO: error if this's been set already? building.color_count = Some((count - 1) as u8); } } } Some(("tolerance", value)) | Some(("tol", value)) => match value.parse::<f32>() { Err(_) => { eprintln!("tolerance must be > 0.0 and <= 100.0"); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(tol) if tol <= 0.0 || tol > 100.0 => { eprintln!("tolerance must be > 0.0 and <= 100.0"); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(tol) => { //TODO: error if this's been set already building.tolerance = Some(tol); } }, Some(("difference", algo)) | Some(("dif", algo)) => match algo { "rgb" => building.difference = DifferenceFn::Rgb, "redmean" => building.difference = DifferenceFn::Redmean, _ => { eprintln!("'{algo}' is not recognized as an algorithm. See help=algorithms"); std::process::exit(1); } }, Some(("help", "algorithms")) => print_help_algorithms(), Some(("help", _)) => print_help(), Some(("version", _)) => print_version(), Some((key, _)) => { eprintln!("unrecognised key {key}"); std::process::exit(1); } } } match free.len().cmp(&2) { Ordering::Less => { eprintln!("didn't get enough arguments! 'help=' for help"); std::process::exit(1); } Ordering::Greater => { eprintln!("got too many arguments! 'help=' for help"); std::process::exit(1); } Ordering::Equal => building.build_or_die(&free[0], &free[1]), } } fn print_help() -> ! { println!("usage: {NAME} [arguments ...] <input> <output>\n"); println!("<input> path to a jpeg or png file"); println!("<output> path to write a png or gif file to\n"); println!("ARGUMENTS:"); println!(" colors=<int> | clrs=<int>"); println!(" the number of colours the final image should contain"); println!(" a whole number more than 0 and less than, or equal, 256"); println!(" [Default 256]\n"); println!(" difference=<algorithm> | did=<algorithm>"); println!(" the color comparison function to use. one of: rgb, redmean"); println!(" for more details use help=algorithms. [Default rgb]"); println!(" tolerance=<float> | tol=<float>"); println!(" how different colours should be to be added to the palette"); println!(" a number > 0 and <= 100\n"); println!(" help= | -h | --help"); println!(" print this message and exit\n"); println!(" version= | -V | --version"); println!(" print the version and authors and exit"); std::process::exit(0) } fn print_help_algorithms() -> ! { println!("ALGORITHMS"); println!("rgb:"); println!(" a straight, rather naïve, RGB comparison. It sums the channel"); println!(" differences. This is it, really:"); println!(" | -| + | -| + | -|\n"); println!("redmean:"); println!(" a slightly more intelligent algorithm that weighs the channels"); println!(" in an attempt to more better align with human color perception."); std::process::exit(0) } fn print_version() -> ! { println!("squash version {VERSION}"); println!("written by {AUTHORS}"); std::process::exit(0) }