use std::collections::HashMap; #[cfg(feature = "rand")] use rand::{prelude::*, seq::index::sample}; use rgb::{RGB, RGB8}; pub struct KMeans { samples: Vec<RGB8>, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)] struct HashableRGBF { inner: (u32, u32, u32), } impl From<RGB<f32>> for HashableRGBF { fn from(value: RGB<f32>) -> Self { Self { inner: (value.r.to_bits(), value.g.to_bits(), value.b.to_bits()), } } } impl KMeans { pub fn new(samples: Vec<RGB8>) -> Self { Self { samples } } pub fn get_k_colors(&self, k: usize, max_iter: usize) -> Vec<RGB8> { let mut centroids = self.get_centroid_seeds_simple(k); for _ in 0..max_iter { let mut clusters: HashMap<HashableRGBF, Vec<RGB8>> = HashMap::new(); for &sample in &self.samples { let closest_centroid = Self::closest_centroid(¢roids, sample.into()); clusters .entry(closest_centroid.into()) .or_default() .push(sample); } centroids = clusters .into_values() .map(|members| vector_avg(&members)) .collect() } centroids .into_iter() .map(|c| RGB8::new(c.r.round() as u8, c.g.round() as u8, c.b.round() as u8)) .collect() } /// Picks a point at random (if feature rand is enabled) for the first centroid, then iteratively adds the point furthest away from any centroid /// A more complex solution is the probabilistic k-means++ algorithm ( fn get_centroid_seeds_simple(&self, k: usize) -> Vec<RGB<f32>> { if k >= self.samples.len() { return self.samples.iter().map(|&v| v.into()).collect(); } #[cfg(rand)] let index = thread_rng().gen_range(0..self.samples.len()); #[cfg(not(rand))] let index = 0; //lol let mut centroids: Vec<RGB<f32>> = vec![self.samples[index].into()]; while centroids.len() < k { let next = *self .samples .iter() .max_by(|&&v1, &&v2| { let v1_closest_centroid = Self::closest_centroid(¢roids, v1.into()); let v2_closest_centroid = Self::closest_centroid(¢roids, v2.into()); vector_diff_2_norm(v1.into(), v1_closest_centroid) .partial_cmp(&vector_diff_2_norm(v2.into(), v2_closest_centroid)) .unwrap() }) .unwrap(); centroids.push(next.into()); } centroids } fn closest_centroid(centroids: &[RGB<f32>], v: RGB<f32>) -> RGB<f32> { *centroids .iter() .min_by(|&&c1, &&c2| { vector_diff_2_norm(c1, v) .partial_cmp(&vector_diff_2_norm(c2, v)) .unwrap() }) .unwrap() } #[cfg(rand)] fn get_centroid_seeds_random(&self, k: usize) -> Vec<RGB<f32>> { if k >= self.samples.len() { return self.samples.iter().map(|&v| v.into()).collect(); } sample(&mut thread_rng(), self.samples.len(), k) .into_iter() .map(|i| self.samples[i].into()) .collect() } } fn vector_diff(v1: RGB<f32>, v2: RGB<f32>) -> RGB<f32> { RGB::new(v1.r - v2.r, v1.g - v2.g, v1.b - v2.b) } fn vector_diff_2_norm(v1: RGB<f32>, v2: RGB<f32>) -> f32 { let diff = vector_diff(v1, v2); (diff.r.powi(2) + diff.g.powi(2) + diff.b.powi(2)).sqrt() } fn vector_sum(acc: RGB<f32>, elem: RGB<f32>) -> RGB<f32> { RGB::new(acc.r + elem.r, acc.g + elem.g, acc.b + elem.b) } fn vector_avg(vs: &[RGB8]) -> RGB<f32> { let summed = vs.iter().fold(RGB::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), |acc, elem| { vector_sum(acc, (*elem).into()) }); RGB::new( summed.r / vs.len() as f32, summed.g / vs.len() as f32, summed.b / vs.len() as f32, ) }