Keyboard Input
	the main input method right now is spinning the two thumbsticks on
	some kind of game controller, but you can't spin a keyboard key.

	so i was thinking:
	the left stick, horizontal, could be asdf and the right cjkl; and
	you would sort of pulse down the keys to imitate a spin. the timing
	between the presses, your acceleration per se, would determine how
	fast the line is being drawn. a-f is to the right and f-a is to the
	left. j-; is up, ;-j is down.

Images save as GIF and PNG
	gif can have a palette of 4 and so can the png. The png might be able
	to have a depth of 2-bits per pixel which is exciting.

	images should be saved in the underlying resolution and not be dpi
	scaled. images should not include the stylus.