## Important ROM addresses It is important to know that the ROM is loaded in to this memory range: `0x00200000..0x003FFFFF + 1`. ### `00200040` This is where the bootloader jumps into, in ARM mode. When the processor is reset, it is in Arm mode. To get into thumb, you need to execute the `BX` instruction *(branch and exchange instruction sets)* The bootloader jumps here after it checks to see if it should flash, I think. Please see the Project Blacksphere page with the path: `/sub_100hardware/sub_arm/sub_bootrom.htm` ### `002eebec` ``` 002eebec e7 fe b ``` This is a tight loop waiting for a reset. The code path that leads us here appears to initiate a software reset (002eebde) ### `002eec46` ``` LAB_MainLoop? 002eec46 2d 01 cmp r5,#0x1 002eec48 d1 fd bne LAB_MainLoop? 002eec4a f7 f9 ff 13 bl FUN_KeyboardRead? 002eec4e 28 81 cmp r0,#0x81 002eec50 d1 f9 bne LAB_MainLoop? ``` This is what I have, perhaps incorrectly called, the MainLoop. There is a question mark after it in the decompilation because I am not sure. It sure loops here, anyway! ## Links to the Past wikipedia: [Nokia 3310][wk] youtube: [Vintage Firmware Modding Nokia DCT3 Phones][yt-vfm] reddit: [NokiX -- open-source firmware modding tool and SDK for classic Nokia mobile phones (including Nokia 3310)][rdt-nokix] first mention i've seen of nokix hackaday: [1337 3310 tool][hkdy-1337] someone building tools that use the Nokia 3310 as a platform gitea: [DCT3-GSMTAP][gea-gsmtap] first mention of project blacksphere cosconor: [cosconor.fr Nokia 3310 Flash Files][cscnr] a frenchman dumped the Nokia 3310's firmware. this is the one we're working with. freeavatars: [NOKIA 3310 TRUOUBLE.jpg][fa] a labelled image of the Nokia 3310 mainboard [wk]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_3310 [yt-vfm]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7tkjJ-F95U [rdt-nokix]: https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverseEngineering/comments/u15zk6/nokix_opensource_firmware_modding_tool_and_sdk/ [hkdy-1337]: https://hackaday.io/project/3472/logs [gea-gsmtap]: https://gitea.osmocom.org/phone-side/dct3-gsmtap [cscnr]: https://cosconor.fr/GSM/Nokia/Netmonitor/DCT-3/Nokia%203310/Flash%20Files/ [fa]: http://freeavatars.50webs.org/NOKIA%203310%20TRUOUBLE.jpg